Tuesday, May 28, 2013

C# DateTime to Javascript issues with timezone

I ran into an interesting problem when serializing a C# DateTime object as JSON and returning it via a controller to javascript.  The timezone mechanism was causing my times to shift to a localized time based on the originating timezone offset to the local timezone of the web host.  Normally, that might not be a huge issue, but since my application was displaying appointments which were being pulled from a localized data store to a user in that same region, the server timezone is irrelevant and the time for the appointment has to be the same time regardless of the timezone.  After much digging around, I found this little snippet that seems to answer the problem.

function parseJsonDate(jsonDate) {
    var offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
    var parts = /\/Date\((-?\d+)([+-]\d{2})?(\d{2})?.*/.exec(jsonDate);

    if (parts[2] == undefined) parts[2] = 0;
    if (parts[3] == undefined) parts[3] = 0;

    return new Date(+parts[1] + offset + parts[2] * 3600000 + parts[3] * 60000);