There are a lot of long if statements that seem to be looking for the first usable value. (this is a composite of the idea...)
if (value1 != null)
variable = value1;
else if (value2 != null)
variable = value2;
else if (value3 != null)
variable = value3;
variable = DefaultValue;
Just to simplify and make more readable, try using the ?? (coalesce) operator. Notice the nullable type restrictions, etc.
variable = value1 ?? value2 ?? value3 ?? DefaultValue;
Inline If
Here is another one (again, just a composite)
if (something == somethingelse)
value = "1";
value = "2";
try making this one line, more readable.
value = (something == somethingelse) ? "1" : "2";
I know that these are some basic ideas, but judging by the code bases I have been checking out, they are not widely used. Perhaps, looking into some of these items as best practices would be beneficial.