Friday, August 17, 2012

.NET Framework 4.5

I've been doing some reading on what's new with the .NET 4.5 framework.  It looks like there are plenty of items to dive into with details in the near future.  I found this poster on a blog outlining some of the items at a very high level.

I am going to dig in deeper on some of these C# 5.0 and WCF changes to see if there are some things worth carrying over into standards and practices.  If there is anything on this poster that you would like to see a deep-dive on, leave a comment or let me know via the contact page and I will try to put something specific together.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see more info on the simplified configuration for WCF, as well as the new Async and Await keywords. Do Async/Await provide additional support for existing Thread traffic control _objects_, or do they provide a new way to manage Threading altogether?
